

The Podiumfit online coaching service provides a fully customised training experience that caters for all levels of athlete.

Whether your sport is triathlon, cycling or running, our flexible coaching is structured to include and integrate all the stresses and commitments of our hectic daily lives including family, work and social life, with the goal of achieving a balance that leads to consistency in training, which in turn leads to significant improvements in performance.

Coaching Rates

We offer three different levels of coaching services depending on how much contact and guidance is required from the Coach

All plans include

  • Training history & Injury review
  • Goal setting, Annual Training Plan & Objectives goals for season
  • Power profile analysis & Training zone reviews
  • Basic Training Peaks Account
  • A heavy dose of sarcasm and twisted sense of humour from Coach


Low Coach Contact



Medium Coach Contact



High Coach Contact


Which Level works best for me??

Bronze Level

This package is ideal for those athletes wanting a personalised training plan but who don’t require the level of analysis and feed back that our other packages offer.

Typically athletes  who choose this package love their sport and really enjoy the structure provided by our bespoke training plan. Missing a session here and there really doesn’t stress them out. 

These athletes are happy to communicate with coach through email, whatsapp or text and can wait for a reply. They don’t require continual feedback or coach contact.

Often their main aim is finishing a race happy in the knowledge that they have done the best that they can given all the other things going on in their lives.

Silver Level

Our Silver package offers a good balance of coach contact, feedback and analysis but not overwhelming the athlete and allowing a degree of flexibility for themselves.

Although still performance driven and having a strong desire to do well in their competition, they don’t need reassurance and analysis after every session and happy with regular check-ins with Coach. 

Gold Level

Our Gold package offers ultimate engagement with our Level 3 coach.

Ideal for those who want their sessions reviewed frequently with continuous feedback, or like a high level of coach contact.

Typically athletes who sign up for this package are performance driven. For them it’s all about the result on race day. Missing a session brings on anxiety, as does getting to the pool having forgotten their Garmin and then seeing that there are 2 old ladies doing breast stroke in their lane!